Trail Status May 31, 2024

Silver Star Trails Report-June 2024


As of late May 2024, the lower portions of the Armstrong, Spiro & Dawn’s  Trails are in excellent condition. The recent dry spell has made the paths firm and easy to navigate, with minimal mud and debris. Early spring wildflowers are beginning to bloom, adding a splash of color to your journey.  However, the higher elevations of the trails still hold quite a bit of  snow in shaded areas. As temperatures continue to rise, the snow will melt and the trails will dry out further, providing optimal conditions for all users.


Silver Star Park City’s Armstrong, Dawn’s, and Spiro trails offer a delightful mix of natural beauty, physical challenge, and outdoor fun. Whether you’re hiking or biking, these trails provide the perfect escape into nature, with the added comfort of knowing they are well-maintained and currently in excellent condition. So, lace up your hiking boots or grab your bike helmet and hit the trails – adventure awaits!